Early Childhood

Ganon Curriculum

Ganon Curriculum

我们的幼儿课程强调整个孩子个体发展的重要性, socially, emotionally, cognitively, physically and spiritually. 我们的课程遵循这样的原则:孩子们通过积极参与到他们的环境中来学习得最好. 我们的老师创造的教室为孩子们提供了许多与材料互动的机会, 让他们在一个支持独立和好奇的学习者的环境中探索实验和发现. The activities we plan, the way we organize the environment, select the toys and material, and talk to the children are all strategic, in that they are designed to accomplish the goals of our curriculum.
Teachers encourage children to develop self-motivation, active investigational skills through questioning, exploring, observing, and using thinking and problem-solving skills.  In the classroom, the children are surrounded by books, 识字经验和直接接触字母和字母的声音,为阅读前和阅读后的准备.
教师鼓励和示范合作和协作的工作,并与他人一起玩.  They help children to develop appropriate language and communication skills, to respect the rights and privacy of their peers, as well as to develop feelings of kindness, courtesy, and acceptance of others.
Teachers create a warm, nurturing and comfortable classroom environment that models kindness, and a respect for others. 孩子们学习和练习适当的方式来回应和如何建设性地表达他们的感受.  我们希望孩子们培养健康的自尊,并理解所有人都有值得倾听和理解的感受.
Physical Development
Physical development, including fine and gross motor activities, is incorporated into the curriculum daily.  每个年龄组都有机会进入适合其发展的室内和室外游戏区域.  日常活动可以让孩子们自由活动,并以适合他们年龄的方式对环境做出反应. 
Science and Technology
教师通过鼓励孩子探索和观察他们周围的世界来促进对科学技术的欣赏.  通过开放式活动强调动手探索和实验, 孩子们学习的动力是基于他们天生的好奇心和兴趣.  Teachers help the children to develop the skills of asking questions, gathering information, communicating findings and making informed decisions.  孩子们渴望发现他们所生活的世界的一切. Technology, such as the use of computers, iPad, microscopes, magnifying glasses, gears, 灯箱被用来通过探索课堂和外部环境来扩展和支持学习.  
Hebrew and Judaic
我们的孩子参与并学习犹太教的习俗、传统和价值观.  这些课程贯穿了一天和一学年,自然地融入了课程的各个领域,使它们成为孩子生活中有意义和重要的一部分.  教师们把“犹太价值观”作为成为世界好公民的一部分灌输到课堂上.  We want our children to understand the importance of helping others, giving Tzedakah (charity), taking care of Hashem’s world, and treating people with respect.
Learning about the Jewish Holidays, together with laws, customs and songs, are an important part of the curriculum.  我们每月的犹太新年庆祝活动让老师有机会帮助孩子们预测即将到来的变化,并在每个节日中创造有意义和快乐的参与.  孩子们学习在吃饭welcome皇冠旧版说合适的祝福, for holidays and for Shabbat.
希伯来语融入课堂内的日常生活,并由Chaggim推动, seasons, weather, and general curriculum.  语言变得更有意义,因为它反映在当时房间里发生的事情上.  As the children progress through the program and grow, 他们通过故事接触到越来越多的希伯来语和犹太教课程, songs, games art projects, special events, and guests.
Our children have many opportunities to participate in musically. 教师使用音乐、歌曲和乐器来加强他们的课堂课程. 此外,我们还为加侬孩子提供了两个更正规的音乐课程.
  1. Music with Sandy Shmuely – Children learn, 到了年底,心利雅唱希伯来歌,有新的,有传统的。.
  2. Music with Morah Karen – Children sing Hebrew, Judaic, and secular songs.
  3. Music with Morah Chaya – Morah Chaya enhances the Shabbat assemblies with music and song.

Find Us

856 Orienta Avenue
Mamaroneck, NY 10543

Who We Are

威彻斯特走读学校是一所现代正统,男女同校,双课程,幼儿到8岁th 这是一所犹太学校,以他们自己的方式激励和教育我们的学生重视人性, mitzvot, and lifelong learning.